Mission Jamaica 2025!

We have 1-week (Saturday-Saturday) trips planned to serve at Ja’Bode home builds, Westhaven Childrens Home, and Clifton Boys’ Home in the Montego Bay area and one week planned for our Kingston sites Calalloo Mews Basic School, Hope Valley Experimental School and Ja’Bode home builds. We also plan to offer mobile medical clinics in 2025.
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Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the father sent me, so I send you.” John 20:21

- Mission Jamaica Sending Verse
The Mission Jamaica trip combines a week-long service project with time for reflection and spiritual rest. It allows a person to experience an international mission field that is close to home, yet far enough to be immersed in another culture. Mission Jamaica provides a way to love and serve our neighbor, as Jesus taught us through his example of love and service to others.

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Where Service Meets Spiritual Growth

Mission Jamaica was established in 1989 to bring supplies, skills, medical expertise, and hope to communities across Jamaica through numerous annual mission trips.
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